Say Your Goodbyes

Mankind can withstand quite a few tribulations.
Floods, pestilence, war, religion.
No natural predators, except each other.
Now they are here.
A new species has been introduced and it seems we might be eradicated.
We are not the highest on the food chain any longer.

It always seemed morbid to think of funerals.
Keeping a lifeless body in a box.
Mourning over the hollow shell of a human being.

What was it about death that made us need that.
Death happens to us all.
At least it did.

Death is no longer permanent.
Burials have become an anomaly.
There are far too many graves that will never be dug.

The dead walk here now.
Preying on our fears and demolishing our beliefs.
There is no longer a celebration of life.
That is an old habit that has died hard.
Merely a gesture from a life before this.

Survival has become the only option.
Breathing is reserved for the privileged.

This will be our demise.
Hold fast.


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